
18 Win a $50 GIFT Card (Can be used at Woolworths Supermarkets, selected Caltex Woolworths, Big W, BWS, Dan Murphy’s, Cellarmasters) We have 2 x $50 Gift Cards to give away! Simply complete the CROSSWORD and/or the SUDOKU puzzle and post to GC OVER 50s CROSSWORD COMPETITION and/or GC OVER 50s SUDOKU COMPETITION PO Box 3302, Burleigh Town City Q. 4220 Write your name and address on the back of an envelope. First correct crossword and first correct sudoku entry drawn will win. Entries close 30.04.2024 Winner notified by post. SU DO KU Instructions: The numbers 1 to 9 must appear in each row, column and 3 x 3 box. Numbers can not be duplicated. Answers on page Answer next month No. 107 7 2 5 5 1 9 9 2 4 4 9 5 3 7 3 1 2 9 4 6 7 3 2 5 2 1 8 7 4 CROSSWORD 107 by Mona Elliott ACROSS 1. Regular 7. Examines 8. Succulent plant 9. Floods 10. Steal 11. Norwegians 14. Smirked 18. Vent 19. Renovate 2 3 4 9 11 12 13 15 16 20 21 23 21. Die 22. Universe 23. Soup dish DOWN 1. Cravats 2. Occupation 3. Auditor 4. Consumer 5. Erase 6. Image 12. Suggestive 13. Coming from north 15. Transpose 16. Gate 17. Coma 20. Alliance Answer next month 1 8 10 14 22 5 6 7 17 18 19 A dog walks into a job centre, tail wagging, and says to the receptionist, “I’m looking for a job.” The receptionist, utterly shocked, replies, “Wow, a talking dog! What skills do you have?” The dog says, “Well, I’m fluent in English, I can type at 80 words per minute, and I’m pretty good with computers. Oh, and I can perform some pretty cool tricks!” The receptionist, still amazed, asks, “Where on earth did you learn to do all that?” The dog sighs and says, “Well, I’ve had a lot of jobs in my time. I’ve worked at the circus as an acrobat, I was a mascot for a sports team, and I even starred in some commercials. But now, I want a desk job. I’m tired of all the showbiz.” The receptionist decides to test the dog’s skills and gives him a laptop. The dog immediately starts typing away, creating spreadsheets, answering emails, and even designing a presentation. Impressed, the receptionist says, “You’re hired! But I have to ask, with all your talents, why are you looking for work?” The dog looks up from the laptop and says with a grin, “Well, to be honest, I’m just looking for something to do between naps and chasing the mailman!”